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Here are my light sculptures as light boxes. They are welded wire and fabric constructions with integrated lighting. I invented "fabric burning", a technique that consists of melting small holes in synthetic fabric with a soldering iron. This is often combined with sewn photocopies on acetate of images and maps. Prices show when pieces are still available. Others can be inspiration for future commissions.
Here are my light sculptures as light boxes. They are welded wire and fabric constructions with integrated lighting. I invented "fabric burning", a technique that consists of melting small holes in synthetic fabric with a soldering iron. This is often combined with sewn photocopies on acetate of images and maps. Prices show when pieces are still available. Others can be inspiration for future commissions.
"Blue Walnut"
32" x 42" x 3"
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, LED light.
"Green Douglas Fir"
18” x 40” x 3”
Recycled welded wire, repurposed polyester fabric and LED lighting.
"Solstice Cedar"
18” x 36” x 3”
Repurposed polyester fabric, recycled welded steel wire, silver ink and LED light.
''Anne's Chestnut Tree''
Private collection,
London, UK.
photo: J. Pierce
"West Coast Journey"
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
Commissioned light sculpture for private collector in the Netherlands.
"Fall Tessellation"
30’’ x 30’’ x 2’’ each.
Recycled wire, polyester fabric, ink and LED light.
Queen Anne’s Lace (wild carrot) was the only vegetation left after the fires in 2018. It saw it as a sign of resilience
''Fall Tessellation'', detail
''Maple Leaf Tessellation''
31’’ x 31’’ x 2’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Maple Leaf Tessellation'', detail.
''Spring Light Tessellation''
29’’ x 29’’ x 2’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, inks and light.
''Spring Light Tessellation'', detail
''Asteracea Tessellation''
30’’ x 30’’ x 2’’
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester fabric, paint, ink and light.
''Fern Light House''
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Yellow Bird House''
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, ink and light.
''Heart on her Sleeve, Shirt off her Back''
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester shirt, photocopy on acetate, thread, ink and light.
'' Heart on her Sleeve, Shirt off her back'' (back side)
'' Heart on her Sleeve, Shirt off her back'', details
''Blue Heron House''
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Blue Heron House'', details
''Beech Tree House''
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Beech Tree House'', detail
"Little Green House"
21’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Little Green House'', detail
''Winter Tessellation''
32’’ x 50’’ x 4’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric. ink and light.
''Winter Tessellation'', detail
''Beech Tree Tessellation''
5 elements measuring 24’’ x 30’’ x 4 1/2’’ each
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
''Beech Tree Tessellation'', detail
Elements, 2017
21'' x 21'' x 3''
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, black and silver ink.
Vanishing Ice, 2017
21''x 21'' x 3''
Recycled welded wire, recycled polyester shirts, black and silver ink.
Sylvie's Light Boxes
The Active Landscape
25'' x 25'' x 3''
Recycled welded wire, Polyester fabric, silver ink, acatate and light.
The Active Landscape
detail of the centre image: topographical map, photocopied on acetate.
''Small Red Cedar''
10 1/2’’ x 27’’ x 2’’
Light box with removable panel (magnetized)
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, silver ink and light.
$375 SOLD 05-2019
Small Douglas Fir
10 1/2'' x 21'' x 3''
Small Pine
10 1/2'' x 27'' x 3''
Light box with removable panel (magnetized)
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light
Small Hemlock
10'' x 21'' x 3''
Trees: Douglas Fir and red Sun
18"x 42" x3"
Welded wire, polyester, fabric,ink, light.
Trees: Forest
18"x 36" x 3"
Tree of Life
30" x 42" x 3"
Tree of life (detail)
Le maronnier de Anne
30"x 36" x 3"
...With Anne Frank's words inside birds.
La maronnier de Anne (detail)
New World
30" x 36" x 3"
New World (detail)
Trees: Together
95" x 36" x 3"
Trees: Bird and Maple
Trees: Red Maple
30"x 36" x3"
Trees: Red Arbutus
18" x 30" x 3"
Red Cedar
36" x 60" x 3"
Blue Hemlock
36" x 60" x 3"
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric and light.
Kinetic Light Sculpture
Welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, light.
Inspired from Eadweard Muybridge photography.
Hurdles (detail)
Landscape: Black Tusk
36" x 24" x 3"
Welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopies of topographical maps, light.
Landscape: Black Tusk (detail)
Landscape: Windy Coast
36" x18" x 3"
Welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopies of marine charts, ink, light.
Windy Coast (detail)
Landscape: Mountain Raven
18" x 36" x 3"
Welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopies of topographic maps on acatate, ink, light.
Landscape: Mountain Raven (detail)
Landscape: Sandpipers
36’’ x 24’’ x 3’’
Welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopies on acetate of marine charts, ink, light.
Landscape: Sanpipers (detail)
Landscape: River Journey
36" x 25" x3"
Pris et protégé
42'' X 18'' X 3''
Pris et protégé et condamné par la mer
Je flotte au creux des houles
Les colonnes du ciel pressent mes épaules
Mes yeux fermés refusent l’archange bleu
Les poids des profondeurs frissonnent sous moi
Je suis seul et nu
Je suis seul et sel
Je flotte à la dérive sur la mer
J’entends l’aspiration géante des dieux noyés
J’écoute les derniers silences
Au-delà des horizons morts
(Alain Grandbois)
Pris et protégé (detail)
Dreams at Sea
36" x 42" X3"
18" x 24" x 3"
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, ink and light.
Dreams at Sea (detail)
Lullaby for the Sea
25" x 36" x 3"
Garde la mer comme une poupée qu'on berce
en prévision des boulversements de saisons,
la mer couveuse d'étoiles calcifiées ou de traîtrise.
(Épaule d'ombre)
René Bélance, poète haitien, (1915-2004)
Lullaby for the Sea (detail)
El Viento
36" x 48" x 3"
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, ink and light.
El viento en la isla
El viento es un caballo:
óyelo cómo corre
por el mar, por el cielo.
Quiere llevarme: escucha
cómo recorre el mundo
para llevarme lejos.
Escóndeme en tus brazos
por esta noche sola,
mientras la lluvia rompe
contra el mar y la tierra
su boca innumerable.
Escucha como el viento
me llama galopando
para llevarme lejos.
Con tu frente en mi frente,
con tu boca en mi boca,
atados nuestros cuerpos
al amor que nos quema,
deja que el viento pase
sin que pueda llevarme.
Deja que el viento corra
coronado de espuma,
que me llame y me busque
galopando en la sombra,
mientras yo, sumergido
bajo tus grandes ojos,
por esta noche sola
descansaré, amor mío.
Lee todo en: El viento en la isla - Poemas de Pablo Neruda http://www.poemas-del-alma.com/el-viento-en-la-isla.htm#ixzz3a9CONNA1
El Viento (detail)
I am Blood (detail)
Eye of the Cyclop
#70 on top 500 poets
for T. P. Flanagan
We have no prairies
To slice a big sun at evening--
Everywhere the eye concedes to
Encrouching horizon,
Is wooed into the cyclops' eye
Of a tarn. Our unfenced country
Is bog that keeps crusting
Between the sights of the sun.
They've taken the skeleton
Of the Great Irish Elk
Out of the peat, set it up
An astounding crate full of air.
Butter sunk under
More than a hundred years
Was recovered salty and white.
The ground itself is kind, black butter
Melting and opening underfoot,
Missing its last definition
By millions of years.
They'll never dig coal here,
Only the waterlogged trunks
Of great firs, soft as pulp.
Our pioneers keep striking
Inwards and downwards,
Every layer they strip
Seems camped on before.
The bogholes might be Atlantic seepage.
The wet centre is bottomless.
I am Blood
... i am water
i am blood
i am the hot rum leaking from green...
Kamau Brathwaite
Born in 1930, Barbados.
Eye of the Cyclop (detail)
Geobloom Series: Transcanada Bloom
Transcanada Bloom (detail0
Geobloom Series: St-Lawrence
St-Lawrence (detail)
Geobloom Series: Northern Bouquet
Nothern Bouquet (detail)
Manitoba (detail)
Geobloom Series: Maize
Maize (detail)
Sandpipers (magnitized panel on light box)
31" x 21" x 3"
Panel for dual use: window or light boxe.
Sanpipers (long format)
Sandpiper (magnetized system)
Windy Coast
21" x 31" x 3"
Sugar Maple (magnitize system)
21" x 31 1/2" x 3"
Owl and Hemlock (magnetized system)
21" x 31 1/2" x 3"
Light box with removable panel (magnetized)
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, ink and light.
How to See Deer (Woodland version)
31 1/2" x 21" x 3"
How to See Deer, Woodland (detail and poem)
Forget roadside crossings. Go nowhere with guns. Go elsewhere your own way, lonely and wanting. Or stay and be early: next to deep woods inhabit old orchards. All clearings promise. Sunrise is good, and fog before sun. Expect nothing always; find your luck slowly. Wait out the windfall. Take your good time to learn to read ferns; make like a turtle: downhill toward slow water. Instructed by heron, drink the pure silence. Be compassed by wind. If you quiver like aspen trust your quick nature: let your ear teach you which way to listen. You've come to assume protective color; now colors reform to new shapes in your eye. You've learned by now to wait without waiting; as if it were dusk look into light falling: in deep relief things even out. Be careless of nothing. See what you see.
"How to See Deer," from Lifelines by Philip Booth, copyright © 1999 by Philip Booth. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
How to See Deer (Spring version)
31 1/2" x 21" x 3"
Sunrise and Beech Tree
Icefield (detail)
18’’ x 24’’ x 3’’
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, ink and light.
''Celtic Shuttle''
Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, metallic ink and light.
Celtic Shuttle
‘‘Recycled welded wire, polyester fabric, photocopy on acetate, ink and light.
Icefield: Installation of five light boxes (21" x 21" each) for exhibition at the Evergreen Cultural Centre in Coquitlam, B.C. in 2114.